Netflix: An obsession we most likely have in common.

Everyone seems to have a Netflix account nowadays, watching endless amounts of play instantly movies or TV shows.  How could you not have a Netflix account?!  Only about $9 a month with unlimited amounts of movies and TV shows. If you don’t have a Netflix account, you are definitely missing out on staying up all night playing episode after episode of a show that went off the air years ago.  Once you get one there is no going back.  You can try and restrain yourself from watching your new favorite TV show on Netflix, but you just CANNOT STOP NOW!  So many people are obsessed with Netflix at my school.  All that everyone tweets about is how they should be doing their homework but they cannot part from their computer screen because they’ve just found a great new show on Netflix.   My family has had Netflix for probably 5+ years now, even before they had Watch Instantly on your computer or TV!  So here are some of my favorite TV shows that Netflix offers: Grey’s Anatomy Currently on the 4th season!  Looove it. Image




I am on the 3rd season.  This show is very entertaining each and every episode.  It’s a must see!




Gossip Girl

Ah, love some drama & admire The Upper East Side of NY?  This show is definitely for you.  I have finished all 6 seasons & am considering watching them all over again.



What are your favorites on Netflix?  Leave a comment!

-Paris 🙂







2 thoughts on “Netflix: An obsession we most likely have in common.

  1. I’ve just started watching Gossip Girl and can tell I will be addicted soon! I’ll be sure to try your other suggestions too because they look great!

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