High school: 10 tips on how to survive the next 4 years.

High School.  The beginning of preparing for the rest of your life.  So here are some tips on how to get through it:

1.) Go outside of your comfort zone.

Whether this be making new friends, joining a club or trying out a new sport, just do it!  I think many people are scared of failure if they try something new.  This shouldn’t be a fear!  If you go out of your comfort zone and try something new, you most likely will not regret doing so.

2.) Find motivation.

Motivation is key in high school.  You need to find a couple of things that will help you get through homework or just the next for years.  My motivation is going to a University when I graduate and getting a degree in something that I love.  What comes along with that goal is making money! 😉 I’m in the process of making a motivation board so that every time I look at it I know that I will have those things to look forward to if i’m having a bad day.  Motivation is hard to find in high school when you want to reach a certain goal, just try your best to do something that will help motivate you and help you succeed.

3.) Take a day for yourself.

Having more than a bad day?  Take a day off school.  This is going to help refresh your mind and help you get back in the groove.  Do something fun such as getting a massage or manicure or just have a movie marathon!  If you think about it, you probably don’t miss a lot of school so one day will be nothing.


We all know this one.  But seriously, get your work done as early as you can!!!  This is going to allow you to do things you want to do earlier on in your day, and homework not be on your mind one bit.

5.) It’s okay to lose friends.

You know that best friend you have right now in middle school or early on in high school?  Well, i’m sad to say that they might not be your best friend a year or two from now.  There is  a chance they still may be and that is fantastic!  But for the most part in high school, best friends and friends will come ago.  People DO change in high school.  They’re in the process of developing their own identity which might mean having some flaws or bad experiences along the way.  Don’t be afraid of not having a lot of friends or losing some friends here and there because I promise once you get out of high school you will gain new life-long friendships.

6.) Purchase a planner and actually use it.

A planner is very handy at least when you’re an upperclassmen.  You’re most likely taking challenging classes, the SAT’s and also involved in extra curricular activities and might even have a job!  A planner is a very good thing to have for writing down your to-do lists and plan for the week.  It will help you with your priorities and remind you!  Make sure to get a “cute-looking” planner because who doesn’t want something that will make them a little excited to write down what homework they need to accomplish when they have a bright, attractive-looking planner.  Target, Lily Pulitzer and Office Depot definitely have some cute ones.

7.) Get the scoop from the upperclassmen. 

If you have an sibling who is older than you and in high school while you are, ask them or their friends about the good teachers and the best classes to take.  They will have gone through the good and bad/not-so-nice teachers and can give you advice on how to either survive their class or get out of it.  They’ll also know what classes to take if you are college bound and you could find a possible tutor who is an upperclassmen who has taken a class that you might find challenging!

8.) Stay away from drama and the popular girl clique.

Every freshmen girl thrives off drama.  I was one of them and I know every girl at that time wanted to either hear a little gossip or tell a lot of gossip.  Drama, (especially girl drama) can really put a damper on your mood.  If you’re involved in a situation that many people know about and are talking about, it’s most likely very uncomfortable and is taking your mind away where it needs to be focused the most (academics).  Want to stay away from drama?  Lose the friends that are either starting the drama or are non-stop gossipers.  You will feel so much relief without them and all the negative energy will fade away.  

9.) Be the teachers pet in a good way.

Try your best to get along with your teachers even if they might be horrible early on.  If your teacher likes you,  you’ll be able to gain their respect and they will most likely write you a fantastic letter of reccomendation for you when you begin applying to colleges.  Make sure and stand out whether it be raising your hand a lot in class or consistently doing well on tests!

10.) It’ll be over…soon.

I find myself making countdowns to events like Spring Break or Summer because I know i’m getting a step closer to graduating high school.  While your in it try, try, try making the best of it.  Just know even better things will be coming your way afterwards and it will be a fresh beginning to the rest of your life.



Everyone Has Bad Days

I have had three bad days straight.

To be honest, I hardly EVER have bad days, so this is rare for me. What I find even worse is that my year hasn’t started off very well because of these bad days. After my first bad day I told myself “tomorrow I’ll have a great day!” Boy was I wrong…

One of the biggest contributers to my bad days is my anxiety. I have struggled with anxiety for probably all of my life. In the past year, it started getting better. I had better time management, and also did exercises to relieve my anxiousness. I clearly need to start do those things that helped again and more often! My anxiety is mostly school related. When I am given a deadline to do something, I always meet it, but sometimes I feel the need to do things early in the week. So I guess I’m not a procrastinator, which is great, but because of this I always put a lot of pressure on myself to get things done early. I am taking three hard classes this year (along with running start AKA a college class through a community college) and I have at least an hours work of homework for each of those classes to complete a night! On top of that, I also study for those classes at least once a week. 

I know I should not let school stress me out so much, but I feel like their is so much pressure on every teenager regarding school in today’s society. Ask any upperclassmen in high school and a majority of them will tell you they are stressed because of school.

This is just a summary of my bad days. I’m not always negative, but I just needed a place to vent. 

Does anyone have any suggestions regarding what I can do to my school-related stress/anxiety? Any tips? 

I know I will have a good day one of these days and I am so looking forward to that!!! I am also very happy that I’m not the only teenager who has bad days relating to school. I think most of us are going through the same things. 🙂

If you’re having a bad day, you are not alone. There is always someone who will be there for you. The only thing you need to do is speak up! Stay strong everyone, life’s a roller coaster, we’re all in the same one in some ways. 


